Thursday, January 20, 2011

What is an American?

Lately, we've been reading so much about how much being an American means to certain people. Whether you transformed into one or born a different color, we're all the same. We are Americans. It seems as though every one of these stories we've read, are trying to explain to us how certain races are discriminated even though they're American, or tell us their past/ journey to becoming an American. While reading these stories, I realized that I would never have to experience even a 3rd of what some of these people have experienced. I was born as an Asian American. It felt more like a given other than a privilege. In "American Dreamer", she stated "I am an American, not an Asian American. My hyphenation has been called race treachery, but it is really a demand that America deliver the promises of its dream to all it's citizens equally". I've never considered being called Asian American as to just American offensive or inequality. It could be because I never had to work for my citizenship, I had it ever since I was born. But honestly, what is the big deal? Sure I guess you can say that it separates you from "The Crowd". However, I see it as adding unique touch to the fact that you're American. I'm proud to be American but I'm also proud to be Asian. So why does one feel degraded or separated when they're addressing you as who you really are?    

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