Thursday, January 13, 2011

King Still King?

 I am so glad that we get to write about Martin Luther King Jr. day because in World Studies, the class brought up the question "Why do we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. day?" My teacher told us that because Chicago is so diverse that they want to give everyone have a "Holiday". For example, the polish usually celebrates Pulaski day. Someone asked, "Then why do we celebrate/ have a day off school on Washington's Birthday?" My teacher couldn't provide us an answer...But my point is why do we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. day? I have never really put much thought into the reason why we take these days off, I am usually just glad that I have an extra day added to my weekend. Now that I have been prompt to think about, Martin Luther King Jr. day is worth celebrating because he was the man that fought for equality between white and black. Come to think of it, why did anyone have to fight for that to being with? Shouldn't it be a given?
  After many years, some people still have the mentality that Blacks are inferior to Whites. I totally disagree because being black, white, red or even blue only adds to our unique personality. Just because a certain group of a race misbehaves or portray themselves badly, it shouldn't mean that the WHOLE race is the same. 
  For those that have never thought about why we celebrate/have a day off from school for Martin Luther King Jr. day, one should really find out. But for whatever personal reason, the main reason should be because he spoke up for himself and many that was too afraid to.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote about how people are still seen as inferior today too! :D SOULMATE?!
