Friday, November 19, 2010

I am a Plow

I am a Plow. A plow plows over many things, like snow in the Winter or weeds in the Summer and Spring. In the winter, the snow plow plows the snow into a pile on the side. In this case, I'm the plow that pushes my problems to the side by solving them. Every now and then, there would be a rough patch that every plow will meet. Some plow might blow through it like they're nothing, but others will have a hard time and have to go over that spot a few times. That's like not concluding a problem or issue the first time and trying again. However, in the Summer and Spring, the plows cut the weeds and grass; while leaving the roots. It's similar to life because everything one had or will conquer, there will always be a memory of it, no matter big or small. It can be the first time you've successfully tied your shoes laces to graduating college. Both of those experiences will stick with you, they have become apart of your field.    

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