Thursday, November 25, 2010

A classmate that I'm Thankful for...

A classmate that I'm THANKFUL for is Cindy Mei :] She's not the only one I'm thankful for but, she's definitely on the top of my list! What's so special about her?! Well, I'm glad you asked. I met Cindy before we attend Whitney Young. We met in the most awkward place, the train station. She knew one of my friends from my elementary school. We officially met when we were at the movies...I think.... I didn't really like her back then, but that has definitely changed! She helps me with things that I don't understand, and she reminds me when I forget to do an assignment (I'm sure anyone in the class will do the same for me). Besides helping me and reminding me, she's someone I look forward to seeing during the day. She so easy to talk to, very fun and goofy too. Cindy is not only my classmate, she's one of my closest friends. Thank you Cindy! :] <333

Friday, November 19, 2010

I am a Plow

I am a Plow. A plow plows over many things, like snow in the Winter or weeds in the Summer and Spring. In the winter, the snow plow plows the snow into a pile on the side. In this case, I'm the plow that pushes my problems to the side by solving them. Every now and then, there would be a rough patch that every plow will meet. Some plow might blow through it like they're nothing, but others will have a hard time and have to go over that spot a few times. That's like not concluding a problem or issue the first time and trying again. However, in the Summer and Spring, the plows cut the weeds and grass; while leaving the roots. It's similar to life because everything one had or will conquer, there will always be a memory of it, no matter big or small. It can be the first time you've successfully tied your shoes laces to graduating college. Both of those experiences will stick with you, they have become apart of your field.    

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A change in the Classroom

I think everyone in our class can agree that there's nothing wrong with in the classroom. When it comes to discussion time, everyone has their own opinion and everyone is heard. One of the good things in class is that every morning we have journal topics that we are to write about. It helps me wake up and it gets everyone thinking. We talk about whatever the topic is, it usually gets pretty heated if it a popular subject. Other than a change in the classroom, I kind of want a change in the school. I feel like in division, other than just sitting around for ten minutes, we can learn about how to pay the bills or manage a bank account. Because not everyone knows how to do that. I scared that if i wait till i grow up to learn, it will be too late.

Modern Slavery

Hmmm...Slavery, Wasn't that over a long time ago? No, not really. There are still many forms of Slavery out there today. Lately, in class we talked about some types of slavery that still exist today. Like sweat shops, Women inferior to men, and slaves of your sibling(s). My teacher was telling us about how brand name stores buy factors in other countries to avoid paying taxes. A store like Nike has kids from 3rd world countries making their product. The class was having a discussion about whether or not they'll still buy/ use the product if they knew it was from a sweat shop. Some people said it depends and others said they wouldn't. I agree with the people who said it depends on what the product is because sometime that certain product might be the only one out there. Women inferior to men would be a mild form of slavery because I grew up learning that women are suppose to listen to what the "men" of the family has to say. I don't totally agree with this, but because I'm a daddy's girl, I usually listen and obey what my dad tells me to do. Not that I'm a slave of his, but I do what he tells me to do. Lastly, Slaves of your sibling. Even thought I'm the youngest in my family, I never experienced being bossed around and being told what to do. They always treated me like someone their age. But I've seen sibling slavery before. Most of my friends that are girls, boss their little brothers around like their some kind of mule. I feel sorry for their siblings because it's sad and they're helpless. However, Sometime I think they deserve it. I swear to never commit any type of slavery because slavery is BAD! :PPP