Thursday, September 16, 2010

There goes the neighborhood...

One of my earliest and fondest memories was when my family and I lived in an apartment that 2 other uncles and my dad owned. We lived on the first floor, my 2 other uncles in lived in the second and third. Life was great, especially since i have so many cousins that are my age. I remember playing hide and seek, it was the best when you were allowed to hind anywhere within the 3 floors. But then everyone started to grow older, so it was about time to find our own houses and continue our own journeys. My uncles and their families were the first to move out. I was too young to really understand what was happening. However, I did understand that we didn't live that far apart from one another.

The neighborhood that my family moved in was really close to my old house, so it wasn't too big of a change... Or so i thought. I remember having the nicest neighbor. It was pretty cool how we both moved in around the same time. Even though they weren't kids my age, we spent plenty of time talking and joining the neighborhood events. Events like spring cleaning, cook outs, and block parties. But over time, the man's wife died because of old age. He eventually moved back to Mexico.

This is relevant to the very first peoples of our earth during the paleolithic times because they too moved to different place. They had to adapt to new environments, and if there's people that already occupy the land. They had to communicate with one another. I experienced the same thing. The only difference is that I didn't move, the others who "already occupy the land" moved because of death. But back then, people moved in search for food. One thing that both of us share is that over time, things started to change.

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