Monday, October 25, 2010

The Moment I Knew I was an American

The moment I was an American was the moment I took my first breath. Like a lot of people, I was born and raised here. I never really put much thought to why being an American was so special...until I started to go to school and realized that there are people that aren't like me. Some were still applying for their citizenship, which made me question if I've done that yet. After learning that I don't have to "apply", I realized that I have more privileges than others. I have the rights that they're applying for right when I was born. My trip back to China during the summer of 06 empathized how lucky, privileged, and special I am. Going there to visit made me realize that they have to pay for their education. They have very little or no say as to who their ruler is. Also, They don't have the choice of how many kids they want to have. All of these restrictions made me think of how different it would be to grow up knowing that there are people out there that have all of those privileges. But, for some odd reason, I don't have them. I'm so glad that I'm AMERICAN.


  1. I understand what your saying that you knew you were american when you were born and were born with right that many people weren't lucky enough to have. But isn't being an american more then just rights and citizenship? What make someone one more american because they were born here compared to a person who was brought here when they were really young and have been here for 50 years but don't have the papers. I think they are just as american.

  2. I agree whole-heartedly with Devin. Is America basically freedom-based or just the fact that you're an inhabitant of this country, using your political, social and economical powers to help others and yourself succeed. It's hard to define a culture, especially America, but maybe it's more than just rights? I'm merely speculating. Your view is quite interesting :)

  3. I think it's interesting how you mention the idea of an American as both having the rights and open mindset, but also as legally being an American. It's also really cool how you got to go to China then reflect on how good your life here was. I hope one day to have an opportunity like that.
